Back to Basics ✨

52Kards has created a large catalog of free tutorial content over the years ranging from beginner techniques to more advanced material. Every now and then, it’s a great idea to revisit the basic building blocks and strengthen your foundation.

Whether it’s perfecting basic card handling skills or your double lift, these foundational skills give us the confidence to create some pretty amazing moments of magic.

Some Classic Playing Cards 🃏

At the heart of every magician’s arsenal lies the humble pack of playing cards. Check out our selection of the most classic playing cards we carry at the ​52Kards Shop​.

We will stay in touch with some more good stuff and updates coming your way!

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Comparison of a bordered Bicycle playing card with intricate designs next to a borderless Bee playing card with a seamless geometric pattern.

Bordered vs Borderless

Which cards are better bordered, or borderless? The answer as usual is that it depends. There are various pros and cons that come with the border design of your deck...

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Top 10 David Blaine Close Up Magic Tricks

Top 10 David Blaine Close Up Magic Tricks

When it comes to redefining the boundaries of magic, few performers have left as profound an impact as David Blaine. Here are the top 10 David Blaine Magic Tricks.

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6 different ways to shuffle a deck of cards

6 different ways to shuffle a deck of cards

Shuffling a deck of cards is an essential skill for any magician or cardist. Here's a collection of some of the absolute best (and coolest ways) to shuffle cards!

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Back to Basics ✨

Back to Basics ✨

We will share our favorite videos of basic sleights that will strengthen your foundation in your journey with magic. We hope this inspires and keeps you growing.

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