52Kards Blog
6 different ways to shuffle a deck of cards
Shuffling a deck of cards is an essential skill for any magician or cardist. Here's a collection of some of the absolute best (and coolest ways) to shuffle cards!
We will share our favorite videos of basic sleights that will strengthen your foundation in your journey with magic. We hope this inspires and keeps you growing.
Level Up Your Practice Sessions
Practice isn’t just about mastering a trick; it’s about building confidence and letting your natural personality show through. Here are some tips to supercharge your practice sessions:
Aces hold a special place in the world of card magic. Originating from the world of gambling, the value and distinction of the Ace found its way into the repertoire of magicians.
Fan-tastic Card Fanning Tutorials
Whether you're a beginner or seasoned pro, there's always room to refine your fanning techniques. With a little practice and a touch of finesse, you'll be wowing audiences with your mesmerizing fans in no time.
The intuitive Mint Marking System opens up an endless world of possibilities. An invaluable tool for magicians, the markings enable you to easily read the identity of a card by simply looking at the back of it.
The Boomerang Card is a fun move where you throw a card into the air and then it flies back towards your hand for you to catch. It'll take some practice but it is worth it!
In this tutorial I'll cover a card vanishing technique that is ideal for close up scenarios. If you want to learn to do a close-up card vanish, look no further!