About Shin Lim

Shin Lim is a world-renowned magician celebrated for his breathtaking sleight of hand and visual artistry. Known for his signature routines that blend music, mystery, and mind-bending manipulation, Shin has captivated audiences globally. His career skyrocketed when he won America's Got Talent (Season 13) and then stunned audiences once again on America's Got Talent: The Champions. As one of the most recognized magicians of the modern era, Shin’s innovative approach and mastery of close-up magic have set new standards in the field.

From intricate card manipulations to astonishing illusions, Shin Lim’s performances are a blend of theater and illusion, leaving spectators in awe. This collection showcases some of Shin’s most iconic effects, allowing magic enthusiasts to explore and master routines crafted by a true visionary in magic.


Smoke from Mouth

Smoke from Mouth

In Mouth Switch

In the Mouth Switch

Spectators Cut 4 of a Kind

Spectators Cut Four of a Kind

Color Changes

Shin Lim's Color Changes

Shin Lim Product Collection

Our curated Shin Lim collection of magic tricks and playing cards used in his famous performances.

Evolushin Magic Kit
Shin Lim Lecture - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Flash Deck Switch 2.0 - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
The Vault - ShinSplint 2.0 by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
The Vault - Card Sleights by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD
Washable Card Tattoos
AIR (Gimmicks and online instruction) by Alain Simonov & Shin Lim - Trick


Bicycle Shin Lim Playing Cards
HAZE by Wonder Makers - Trick


Mesika Wax - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards

Mesika Wax

Invisible Thread - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Invisible Elastic Thread
In Mouth Switch

The Switch

The Vault - Selenium Shift by Chris Severson and Shin Lim Presents video DOWNLOAD
The Vault - Shinag by Shin Lim video DOWNLOAD


SMOKE PAD STANDARD by Wang Ji & Bacon Magic - Trick
HAZE COIL REPLACEMENT SET by Wonder Makers - Trick
Mesika Elastic Thread - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Phantom Deck - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards

Phantom Deck

Triage (with constructed gimmick) by Danny Weiser & Shin Lim Presents - Trick


NOC x Shin Lim - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
52 Shades of Red - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Gripper Coin (Quarter) - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Dream Act by Shin Lim