A borrowed cell phone is held in one hand - and a balloon is inflated. The cell phone visually penetrates inside of the balloon. It is shown, then given back to the spectator with the cell phone still inside.
The result is a twisted hybrid of visual craziness: the borrowed cell phone is INSIDE of the balloon. The spectator removes it herself. There are no crazy gimmicks. Any cell phone. Any balloon. Nothing but magic.
PRESSURE is an effect conceived by Daniel Garcia with additional insight and assistance from David Blaine magic producer Dan White. On May 21st, Michael Ammar performed Pressure live on The David Letterman Show on CBS. "That was amazing!" - Ashton Kutcher
All objects can be borrowed and signed. Both the balloon and the cell phone.
NOTE: You are not limited to just a cell phone. Any small object can be used - from a deck to borrowed wallet to a soda can.