Practical Mental Magic (eBook)
Modern Coin Magic (eBook)
Lighted Cigarettes Act (eBook)
Expert Card Technique - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Royal Road To Card Magic - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Expert At The Card Table - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Card Control - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards

Card Control

Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Books of Wonder 2-VOL COMBO set by Tommy Wonder & Stephen Minch - Book
Scripting Magic Volume 1 - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Complete Course in Magic - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Memorandum by Woody Aragon - Playing Cards and Magic Tricks - 52Kards
Principles of Destruction by Ben Seidman
Calico by Rick Holcome


The Herrmann Chronicles by James Hamilton
Magic of Michael Ammar
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Visual A.F. Magic Tricks Volume 2 by Luke Oseland - Book

Visual A.F. Magic Tricks Volume 2

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The Complete Walton (Vol.2) by Roy Walton - Book

The Complete Walton (Vol.2)

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Visual A.F. Magic Tricks by Luke Oseland - Book